We have all had this experience. I know you have. I met a girl at my coworkers birthday party. She was gorgeous and vivacious. We talked all night. Every time I would leave the room she would find me and make jokes about how I couldn’t leave her side because I was the only cute guy at the party. We danced, we drank and finally she let me kiss her right before she left with her girlfriends. She gave me her number and made me promise to call. This is a great feeling and I went to bed in a pretty good mood. The next day I called her and she asked “Who is this again? Ouch. She said she was busy and suggested I text her later. I text and she was friendly but didn’t seem to be able to find the time to meet again and when we finally did she had to rush off after only a few hours. She doesn’t seem to ever want to meet up but if I stop texting for a few days she will make contact. It took me a while but I figured out what was going on. She’s leading me on. Read some Signs To Look out for here. I probably was the only cute guy at the part when she seemed so ready but after the blur of the alcohol wore off she decided there was bigger fish to fry. That doesn’t mean she wants to break all contact, however. I am good for her ego. My flattery and obvious interest makes her feel good about herself. This is a pickle we all find ourselves in from time to time but it isn’t always easy to decipher.
The best way to tell if she is leading you on and sending you mixed signals is to judge how she reacts to attention. Pay close attention when you are out with her. If you are lavishing all your attention on her and she still notices the busboys butt, you’re in trouble. Women who are interested in you and have you in mind for a possible mate will be more in tune with you than any other male in their midst. She will not only react in kind to flattering attention but notice every move you make when it comes to other women. Try this tactic for a few days and then suddenly stop. Don’t text or call. If she contacts you immediately it is a pretty good sign that she’s into you. If she waits a few days and then realizes you’re not on the hook like an afterthought, it should be a no-brainer.
If she’s seen with you in public, you are one step ahead. If you can’t ever get her to go anywhere someone might see you or she never accompanies you with friends, there’s a problem. Pay special attention to how she introduces you to other people. Does she call you her friend? Does she introduce you as her date? Maybe she calls you “my buddy”. Most confusing of all, she may just introduce you by your name only. It depends on who she is introducing you to and the circumstances as well. While it can be pretty confusing, how she introduces you can be a big hint to how she’s feeling about you. The biggest indicator of all is if the introduction matches how she acts when your alone. If she introduces you as her friend and your all over each other in private, she’s leading you on.
If she’s been giving you mixed signals, the best way to tell if she’s into you for real is to notice other women. You don’t have to blatantly flirt or ogle the waitresses tits but just some subtle conversation in the presence of your date is a surefire way to see where her head is at. If she catches you chatting up another chick in the beer line and laughs about it, she is leading you on. If she shows a bit of jealousy or runs over and stakes her claim on your, she probably likes you.
It can be incredibly hard to tell if a woman is leading you on. Some women make a career out of this kind of behavior and are real pros. If you find she displays more signs of someone not really interested in moving forward than that she really does want more than the occasional coffee date, (Coffee Date Tips) save yourself the trouble and possible heartbreak and cut the relationship off now. Don’t text her back, don’t answer her calls and avoid her at all costs. She isn’t the only one with bigger fish to fry.