Do Bald Guys Have a Chance with Women?

Do-Bald-Guys-Have-a-Chance-with-WomenMen who lose their hair are often upset by this fact. Especially those who have had thick, full heads of hair their whole lives. It can cause great distress and embarrassment. But is it necessary? Men like Bruce Willis, Sean Connery and Jason Statham certainly would not agree. There is a certain boldness that many women find attractive in a bald man. Does that mean every woman is attracted to a bald man? There is no real answer to that questions. Instead consider the bigger picture.

Balding is a genetic factor. Fathers who experience male pattern baldness usually have sons who experience the same phenomenon. Testosterone is the culprit. Research suggests high levels of testosterone can lead to baldness. It isn’t high levels alone, however. It must be in conjunction with specific genetics.

Fox News Magazine recently reported that it isn’t the baldness that women find repulsive, but the patchy, spotted balding that some men try to pull off. When men begin to lose their hair it usually starts in the back at the crown of the head. Hair begins to go thin and the scalp shows through. Its uneven and noticeable. If it doesn’t start there it begins at the hairline. Slowly over the months and years, the hairline will slowly move farther and farther back on the head until there is just a rim of hair around the back of the head from ear to ear. Nether look is attractive to women, and can you blame them.

On the other hand, there is the complete bald look. Time after time women have been said to prefer the fully bald look to the patchy or receding look. What better reason to pick up the razor and go for the gold? Making that move exerts a certain bold courage that is attractive to women. Colored sprays and huge comb-overs – Photos: The 15 most Outrageous Comb-overs – do not portray the same boldness as just owning the fact that your bald.

Saving It Off Wont Make You An Old Man

Some men are afraid to take the plunge because they are afraid it will make them look old. That isn’t the case, however. Men can start losing their hair and even going gray as early as their 20’s. What makes men look old, is actually the part between having hair and being bald. The sketchy, half and half look we discussed above. An alternate to being completely hair free is to grow some classy facial hair. A well-trimmed beard is often a great accompaniment to a bald head. A goatee is another crowd pleaser. Just tuft of hair at the chin makes a blazing statement with a bald head.

No matter how you rock the bald look, be prepared. You may encounter a few women who simple abhor a bald man. You’ll find a few in the course of your life. Something about it just turns them off. Some women just get turned on by running their fingers through a guy’s hair. Never fear, though. It goes the other way too. There will a few women who will simply adore your baldness. The want to rub your head and enjoy the bold look you’ve culminated.

No Hair, Don’t Care

What it all boils down to is this: most women don’t care if you have hair or not. Some will like it, some wont, but for the most part they just don’t care. It is your personality and the rest of your appearance they will be attracted to. Confidence in your appearance, no matter the amount of hair you have is paramount. Hair growth companies like Rogaine depend upon your insecurity. Think about that the next time you shell out your hard earned money for a bottle of their pipe dreams.

Take a look around you the next time you’re out in public. Check out the bald guys on the movies and at the local pub. Take note of the women they are with and how well they seem to be picking them up. It would serve you well to work on your personality and grooming instead of worrying about how much hair you have. Twenty or thirty years ago this would have been a much different story. Men rarely shaved their heads in those days. Most wore elaborate hair pieces or did a lot of intricate comb-overs. Remember the guy from the hit 2014 movie American Hustle? Such is unnecessary in today’s modern world. Spend more time learning to accept yourself for who you are and cultivating the best parts of your personality and your hair or lack thereof won’t matter in the slightest. Channel your inner Patrick Stewart and you’ll have women lining up to rub your bald head.