A significant percentage of the guys visiting our site have what could be called confidence issues. These are largely due to a lifetime of not quite getting there where women are concerned. They meet girls, they flirt a little, they seem to have the girls interested but they can’t quite close the deal and get a number or date and getting laid is a far off desire rarely realized. It doesn’t have to be that way though. What follows is a little help in closing the deal.
As you’ve no doubt read in other articles on the site, confidence is the sexiest quality a man can possess, and this holds true when using hookup sites. The problem is that you’re likely here and in particular reading this article because you lack confidence, even if you don’t know it (arrogance is often confused for confidence but the two are very different things, with arrogance actually arising out of insecurity, the very opposite of confidence). If you’re going to regularly hook up with pretty girls you need to have confidence.
Unfortunately this isn’t the sort of thing you can talk yourself into having. You actually need to build it and you can do so with practice. Start with a site like Social Sex and get into the world of casual dating. Build your confidence by messaging lots of women. Send hundreds a day if necessary and write each one individually so you get used to selling yourself. If you need to play a bit of a character to sell yourself confidently then do it. The more responses you get to your messages the more confidence you’ll have. It will genuinely grow and you’ll be astounded at how strong a benefit it has in your sex life and in the wider world in general. People really do respond to confidence and it’s always in a positive way.
There’s a big difference between being confident online and being confident in person. Online it’s much harder to fall flat on your face and experience genuine embarrassment or humiliation if you get rejected. The key is to not care, as crazy as that sounds. It’s pretty simple. The world is full of hundreds of millions of single women. Your city is full of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of single women (even a small town has lots of single ladies). If you screw it up with one woman you need to move on to the next one. Ultimately, flirting with and trying to get a number from one girl is a small, meaningless interaction in your life. If she’s not interested then she’s missing out and you can move on to the next girl.
If you lack confidence then change your mindset. Think of flirting and getting numbers and trying to hook up as a business task where you need to be as efficient as possible. It’s just like you’d do it online on a sex dating site. You message lots of girls because that’s how you hookup. If you’re in a bar or at a party you’re doing the same exact thing, except you’re delivering your message in person. The same ideas apply. Compliment her in a non-obvious way, say something charming, and offer to buy her a drink. Chat for a little bit about anything under the sun and then ask for her number so you can call her for a date. If you’re feeling particularly bold then ask her to go somewhere more private. The reason guys screw this up all the time is because they’re scared of the bad feelings associated with the girl saying no or blowing them off. What does that really mean though? Nothing at all! It means that you had some fun, had a drink, and are ready to move on to the next girl, that’s all.